Payroll Automation: Uniformly and comprehensively applies an unlimited number of pay policies and shifts to time and attendance data.
Ease of Use: The time clock software is completely menu driven. For ease of operation, the system allows each user to arrange the information in an order that is convenient for them. Color-coded notations on the electronic timecard easily identify exceptions.
Strategic Reporting: There are over 75 reports available, which can be run by pay period or by any selected date range. Reports can be displayed on screen, printed, emailed, or sent to a data file.
Customize: The time clock software offers administrators the ability to change the names of key fields within the menu and reporting system. In addition, TSI-1000 allows users to define six custimizable system fields in the employee master record.
HR Functions: Tracks employee attendance, employee tardiness, department transfers, job transfers, schedules, automates employee time and wage calculations.
Payroll Processing: TSI-1000 comes standard with a payroll export feature that allows you to send data to a third party payroll system without the need to re-enter this information into the payroll software.
Imports/Exports: TSI-1000 comes standard with an import/export feature that allows users bring data into the system and export data out to a third party payroll system or other software packages.
Spot Trends: Not only can TSI-1000 show users when sick days were taken, it can produce Trend Analysis to show users how many days are taken and on which day of the week.
Security: Each user has a unique User ID and Password. Filters are included to allow supervisors to access only their respective employees.
Employee Messaging: TSI-1000 displays employee names at the data terminal for swipe validation.
Autoprocess: Allows users to set a specific date/time to poll the information from the data collection devices, as well as run reports and print or email them directly to supervisors.
Optional Bell Ringing: Allows you to define bell-ringing schedules and program the data collection devices to activate a user-supplied bell, alarm, or other audible signaling device.
Optional Benefit Accruals: Allows you to define benefit accrual calculations that automatically update your employee’s accrual balances.
Optional PC-Based Time Clock: Allows employees to perform all normal time clock functions at their PC.